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Dan Kirby Personal Injury Lawyer


Houston Workplace Injuries Lawyer

Safety in the workplace is of utmost concern for employees and their families. In fact, the public as a whole demands a safe workplace and Texas law requires it. An employer is usually in the business of making a profit and hires employees to help make this happen. An employer must do more than simply pay an employee. The place where they work must be made safe. Unfortunately maintaining a safe workplace is an added expense that some employers simply refuse to incur or will ignore just to save money.

There are varying degrees of dangers in the workplace. Most experts agree that there are very few incidents resulting in an employee injury that can be considered “accidents”. Usually always someone was negligent in some way. An employer is responsible for making sure employees have a safe place to work regardless of the job. There are exceptions. For example, a general contractor may hire an independent contractor to perform a specific task. The independent contractor might be specialized in providing electrical, plumbing or other services. Generally, these independent contractors control their own work activities, their own job safety and their own employees. Generally, they are left to perform the job as they see fit because they have been specially trained to provide those services. If the general contractor does not interfere with an independent contractor’s work, the general contractor will not likely be liable for an injury to an employee of the independent contractor. However, an improperly supervised general contractor employee can create a dangerous condition without warning others. An unsuspecting employee of an independent contract may be injured or killed as a result. In such a situation, the general contractor may be liable for all of the employee’s damages. The reverse may also occur. An independent contractor employee may create a dangerous condition that injures an employee of the general contractor or even another independent contractor. The independent contractor who caused the dangerous condition may be liable for the injured worker. Injuries may be covered by a Texas Worker’s Compensation insurance policy or the employer may carry a private policy or none at all, referred to as a Non-Subscriber Employer.

Regardless, if you are injured on the job, call the Law Office of Dan Kirby. We will investigate how you were injured and get the compensation you deserve.