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Dan Kirby Personal Injury Lawyer


Oilfield Accidents Lawyer Houston Texas

With the revived boom of oil & gas production, came high paying jobs with a high risk of worker injuries. Even more so than the construction workplace, work in the oil & gas industry is fast paced and can be very dangerous, resulting in toxic chemical exposure, electrocution, burns, lost limbs, severe cuts, back and neck injuries and even loss of life. Many of these types of injuries are a direct result of improper safety training and supervision as well as demand for quick turn around times on oil & gas rigs or field worksites. More statistical information and safety discussions can be reviewed by visiting the US Department of Labor.

Oil & gas field workers have a right to a safe workplace. It is unlawful for an employer to retaliate against an employee for reporting unsafe conditions. Workers can contact OSHA at (800) 321-6742 to report violations or unsafe conditions or even request an OSHA inspection. Just as there can be multiple parties involved in causing injuries on construction jobsites, the same situation applies to oil & gas field worksites. Depending on the operation at the time, there may be multiple truck drivers on the scene, bulldozer or crane operators or other heavy equipment operators. Many times several independent contractors may be on the jobsite performing specific operations. If you or a family member has been injured or killed on an oil & gas jobsite, call the Law Office of Dan Kirby for a free consultation. You will speak directly with an attorney and together we will determine what happened and what parties are at fault.