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Dan Kirby Personal Injury Lawyer

Free Consultation

If you are looking for an injury lawyer to handle your case, you very likely are seeing the words “free consultation”, but might not be 100% clear on what to expect. We look forward to answering your questions either over the phone or in our Houston office.

What Can I Expect During a Free Consultation?

The free consultation is an opportunity for you to meet attorney Dan Kirby and get your questions answered. Each injury case is unique, and Attorney Kirby can help you understand exactly how Texas injury law applies to your specific situation, and your options for pursuing compensation. He can also try to help you understand the timeline around getting compensation for your injuries.

Will I Be Asked to Sign Anything?

If you are ready to move forward with Attorney Kirby after your free consultation, he will provide you the appropriate paperwork for your review. However, this is NOT a high-pressure sales pitch….and any attorney who you feel is pressuring you into signing something should give you pause. You only get one chance to secure a recovery for your injuries and it’s important that you have an experienced and effective lawyer on your side.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Lawyer After the Free Consultation?

Sure, the consultation is free, but then what? Well, it’s still free, even after the consultation. Injury lawyers are paid a percentage of the recovery that is secured on the client’s behalf, so you will not have to pay anything out-of-pocket at any point. Your injury lawyer will be paid a percentage of your recovery after your case is settled.

Can I Do a Free Consultation Over the Phone?

Attorney Dan Kirby is happy to speak with you over the phone to get some basic questions answered. If you are unable to get into the office, we will either have the documentation handled through email or, in certain cases, I may be able to come to you.